Virtual testing will be done every second and fourth week of the month. To submit a virtual test use this Google Form. All videos and forms must be submitted the Saturday before the test date by midnight. Please email Melissa Reed for more information and any questions.
Levels for test dates based on judges' availability.
Upcoming In-Person Test Dates:
Thursday, March 20 - applications due Thursday, March 7 by 5pm
Thursday, April 10 - applications due Thursday, March 27 by 5pm
Due to the large number of skaters testing each month, all test applications must be in 14 DAYS before the test date.
REMINDER: Please make sure your test application is filled out completely, written clearly and have your coach double check it before you turn it in to make sure it is correct. DO NOT use your nickname. Put your proper name that is registered with U.S. Figure Skating. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY APPLICATIONS TURNED IN LATE WILL BE SUBJECT TO A $25 LATE FEE, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Late applications will be at the discretion of the test committee, there are no guarantees, so please turn your application in on time.
If skating elsewhere or testing out of club, you must have test permission. This is available by calling the main office. If you are a DSC 2nd club member, you need to request permission from your Home Club Test Chair. Test Credit: Only in the event of serious injury or illness that keeps you from skating for a period of time, will a credit be given with doctor documentation or the death of an immediate family member.