Skate Detroit


August 20-23, 2025

Please save the date Skate Detroit 2025, which will be August 20-23, 2025. We are also thrilled to announce that Skate Detroit 2025 has been designated a 2025-2026 National Qualifying Series event for singles, pairs, and dance! We are the ONLY club that was selected for all three disciplines. Skate Detroit will also offer events for Adults and Non-Qualifying levels (Aspire through Pre-Juvenile and Excel). Click here to see a list of all events designated a part of the NQS series for the 2025-2026 season.

Even though summer feels a million miles away, planning and organizing for our event has already begun and we would LOVE your help. Here are a few ways members can support Skate Detroit this year:

· Spread the Word. Help promote our event! DSC will share a “save the date” and other posts via the Club’s social media accounts starting this week and throughout the coming months. We encourage you to engage with the Club’s posts—share, like, and re-post information about Skate Detroit to your personal social feeds.

· Volunteer or Donate. There will be ample opportunities to volunteer at Skate Detroit. And, don’t forget that Skate Detroit volunteer hours are worth double (6 hours of volunteer time = 12 hours counted toward your annual commitment)! Donation/sponsorship opportunities will also be available to those who would rather support through financial or other means. Additional information about volunteer roles and donation/sponsorship opportunities will follow in the coming months.

· Bottle & Can Drive Match. Thank you to all who have donated to the Athlete Committee’s bottle and can drive. We’ve reached 12% of our $2500 goal. Please continue to bring in your empties and leave them in the bin by the Ice Monitor’s desk. We are also accepting monthly match for those willing to add to the pot! Funds raised through the drive support programs sponsored by the Athlete’s Committee. This year funds will be also used to purchase the NQS competitor gifts for Skate Detroit. Contact Paul Bellantuono if you’d like to sponsor a match.

As always, thank you for your continued support. The Club is looking forward to a great event in August!

Any questions send an email to